Friday, September 7, 2007

Meadows Gang at the beach

I'm trying to catch up on blogging the highlights of this busy summer. This year's Meadows family reunion in San Diego was full of the same old fabulous fun as every year. You know, stuff like the kids being covered in sand from head to toe and Chance being buried in the sand and decorated like a mermaid complete with seaweed hair and boobies carefully sculpted by Tyler. I can't forget to mention the traditional Mexican tacos prepared by the guys. Mmm, delicioso.
Of course, this year was a bit different for Ryan and I because we had a child of our own there to look after and to keep us up during the night. Actually, she probably kept a few others up during the night also, namely her Nonni and Poppy who shared their tent trailer with us. Well, here is the documentation of our fun filled week.


The sculptor at work.



"Anna, you've got a little something on your face"

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Nonni and Noelle

Poppy with Noelle and Colton

1 comment:

Steve and Kelli Fam said...

man I miss living on those Cali beaches! Looks like tons of fun.